A multi-traditional Medicinal Herb Garden providing the opportunity for the revitalization of our relationships with the plants; restoring our respect for compassionate energies; and thus also with the cultural traditions based upon them.

Visit during open farm hours

Volunteer in Sunday AM Culinary Herb harvest

Attend Weekly Medicinal Herb Seminar, Sundays 1-3 PM

Offer a Sunday Medicinal Herb Seminar.

If you are an Herbal Practitioner, and have a seminar you would like to offer, please contact us at this site____________

Join our Medicinal Herb Garden Apprenticeship program, Mondays 1-3 PM; simply arrive at the appointed hour.

Start your own Medicinal Herb Garden with 3” herb plant starts.

Meditate in the Garden among the Herbal Plant energies.

Invite your friends, family and neighbors

Inform your local Herbal Practitioners
